Friday, July 03, 2009

Liturgical Banners

So, over at Liturgy, Rev. Bosco Peters had put up a set of liturgical season banners for websites, blogs, etc. I thought it was a great idea, and so I decided to give it a go. Here's my first efforts...there will be more to come. Comment below if you have a particular feast/season I don't have that you'd like to see.

Please note that these are all my own personal images, taken from the year I spent in Britain. If you'd like to use these on your not-for-profit blog or website, feel free; just please give credit: "Liturgical banners (c) Joshua W. Hale, 2009. Used by permission." Email me if you are interested in using them on any for-profit/monetized site or purpose.

And here they are:

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